In a series of gripping journal entries, A Conscious Peace traces a journey back from physical and emotional devastation following two horrendous and life-interrupting car accidents and an investment scam. As Ruchi pieces together her body and her spirit, she must also contend with the pain of renegotiating the world.
The reader travels with her and her thoughts from an intimate perch, hearing the words she dared not speak aloud to family and friends during her recovery but which she typed furiously into a series of emails to herself on her iPhone.
Ruchi’s story is not from the point of view of a victim but rather from that of someone who makes the decision to fight her way back to herself.
A Conscious Peace uses a poetic, stream-of-consciousness style that reflects Ruchi’s own healing process and that evokes the myriad feelings, thoughts, fears, and hopes brought on by a major life trauma and the decision to heal from it.